1. It’s absolutely FREE!
There’s no charge for paying with the card, it’s as good as paying cash. The only amount which is deducted from your account is the cost of the item or service you are paying for.
2. It’s safe and convenient
3. Enjoy up to 20% discounts at selected outlets
4. You can shop or renew online subscriptions bila charges
1. It’s absolutely FREE!
There’s no charge for paying with the card, it’s as good as paying cash. The only amount which is deducted from your account is the cost of the item or service you are paying for.
2. It’s safe and convenient
3. Enjoy up to 20% discounts at selected outlets
4. You can shop or renew online subscriptions bila charges
For enquiries or any assistance with your card:
Call our 24-hour contact center on 0703 027000 or customerservice@co-opbank.co.ke
Terms and Conditions apply!!